Duration – 1 semester or full year – Spring semester only:** April – August – Fall semester only:** October – February – Full academic year:** April – February or October – August Fee Tuition and application fees are exempted while students remain enrolled at their home university where they pay…
●One-year exchange program starting April 2025●Application deadline expected at the end of September 2024●Official Websites of the Program: https://www.ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp/international/international-students/ http://www.souka-international-tokushima-u.net/app/?page_id=49 http://www.souka-international-tokushima-u.net/app/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2023-HP-Application-Procedure-to-university-of-Tokushim-1.pdf [NOTE!]●At the time of applying for study abroad, applicant needs either 1) a JLPT N3 or higher passing certificate, or 2) a certificate proving completion of Japanese language study equivalent to N3…
Starting April 2025, for one year (or six months if desired) Entry expected to open in early October 2024 Application deadline expected in early November 2024 Official Website of the Program:https://www.let.hokudai.ac.jp/en/admission/exchange-program#1-2 [NOTE!] Must pass JLPT N2 or higher by the time of applying (or passing an equivalent test at your…
徳島大学 (Tokushima University) から、オンラインイベントのおしらせ (invitation info) をもらいました。下にポスターもあるので、見てください。Tokushima university is our exchange partner school, so I recommend your participation in this event to anyone who wants to study in Tokushima and learn about the students life there. [上林/Uebayashi] – – – – –Date & Time: July 9, 2024 / 11:00-12:00 (=Japan…
Prošloga tjedna, učenike 4. razreda koji pohađaju Japansku grupu, posjetio je profesor Akihito Uebayashi s Katedre za japanologiju. Učenici su imali priliku pokazati profesoru svoje znanje japanskog i što su naučili u ovom polugodištu o Japanu. Profesor je učenike naučio kako napraviti origami Pikachua koji ujedno služi i kao straničnik…
On June 5th, students of the Japanese Studies Course were interviewed by Japan’s TBS television network. The program name is “Earth Interviewing Around the World: Comparing Cultures Globally” (地球まるごとインタビュー 世界くらべてみたら). https://www.tbs.co.jp/sekakura/archive/20240515.html#eu What kinds of interviews did our students receive, and what kinds of answers did they give…?…
Dragi studenti, na poveznici možete provjeriti termine ispita. Učionice će biti naknadno upisane. Termini ispita 2023/24…
Dear Japanology students. Next week we will have Nihongo danwashitsu, informal conversation in Japanese with native speakers. Date:24.April Time : 18.30 to 21.00 Place:IQ Bar ⇒ Cookie Factory(~21:00) ※Lets Meet in front of the Faculty at 6:45 PM , then go together.…
26th March, Professor Kaori Nakamura of Takushoku University presented a special lecture. Taught us about “K-code” which help to be able to write Kanji and Katakana. In addition, she taught us about the use of different particles like Place+「で」or 「に」. ——————————– 「K-cord」https://k-code.net/…