Upisi na 2. i 3. godinu slobodnog studija japanologije bit će mogući do 25. listopada (petak). Upisnina u više godine studija je 35 eura. Na upis morate donijeti indeks i upisni list (možete ga dobiti u Studentskoj službi). Rang lista za plaćanje školarine bit će objavljena do kraja tjedna.…
Nastava započinje u utorak 1. listopada 2024. godine. U ponedjeljak 30. rujna u prostorima Filozofskog fakulteta i dvorani D-VII provode se aktivnosti u okviru Orijentacijskog dana namijenjenog studentima koji prvi put dolaze na studij na Filozofski fakultet. Više informacija dostupno je na poveznici: https://web2020.ffzg.unizg.hr/blog/2024/09/17/pocetak-nastave-u-akademskoj-godini-2024-2025/…
U razdoblju od 18. do 20. srpnja 2024. godine dr. sc. Velna Rončević sudjelovala je na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji IGEL 2024 (The International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature) koja se održala u Aachenu u Njemačkoj. Izlaganje naslova Application of Literature: Entering Real Life, rezultat je istraživanja koje se…
協定校である大阪教育大学から、2024年バージョンの新しい留学案内冊子をいただきました。興味のある人はB-102まで来てください。冊子をお見せします。 大阪教育大学は、MEXT奨学金がもらえる「大学推薦・日研生プログラム」があります。これは、大使館推薦の日研生とは別に、大学(FFZG)の推薦を受けて留学するプログラムです。大阪教育大学の教職員の方々は、「ザグレブ大学のみなさんも、ぜひ大学推薦・日研生プログラムで大阪に来てください」とおっしゃっています。 大阪教育大学への留学に挑戦してみては、いかがでしょうか? – – – – – We have received the new 2024 version of the study abroad guidebook for Osaka Kyoiku University, one of FFZG’s partner institutions. If you’re interested, please come to B-102 to view the guidebook. Osaka Kyoiku University offers the “University Recommendation Japanese Studies Program”…
Students from our Japanology Course will be featured in a Japanese TV program called “Sekai Kurabete Mitara” (Comparing the World), which will be broadcast in Japan on September 11th, at 7:00 PM (JPN time). They will appear in a segment called “Searching for 100 Japanese Words in Croatia”.…
日本学コース在学生が取材を受けた日本のテレビ番組「世界くらべてみたら」が、9月11日(水)に日本で放送されます。 学生たちは「クロアチアで日本語100個探す旅」というコーナーに出演しています。 日本在住の方は、夜7:00(日本時間)からTBS系列にてぜひご覧ください! [番組予告編YouTube] https://youtu.be/ji72bDTiVr8?si=5bSXKw1ik9rcvluW [見逃し配信サイト「TVer」: 放送終了後から1週間、見逃し配信] https://tver.jp/lp/f0085400…
2024年12月1日のJLPTは、Budapestでもできます。Details on how to apply can be found on the following pages on the official website JLPT Budapest.Announcement Website http://japantanszek.hu/december-2024-japanese-language-proficiency-test-jlpt-registration-starting-soon/ Application Website https://jlp10000.megacp.hu Registration for the December JLPT will open on August 23rd. Please register from August 23rd to 30th using the above link.…
2024年7月のJLPTはLjubljanaでありました。Those who took the July test did very well! 今年12月のJLPTは、12月1日にBeogradでできます。Details on how to apply can be found on the following pages on the official website JLPT Beograd. Test guide with complete instructions (1): https://www.fil.bg.ac.rs/sr/katedre/orijentalistika/japanski-jezik-knjizevnost-kultura/japanese-language-proficiency-test-jlpt Test guide with complete instructions (2): https://www.fil.bg.ac.rs/uploads/files/Strane/Sertifikati/jlpt/JLPT2024%20OBAVE%C5%A0TENJE%20(sajt)-en.pdf…
Duration – 1 semester or full year – Spring semester only:** April – August – Fall semester only:** October – February – Full academic year:** April – February or October – August Fee Tuition and application fees are exempted while students remain enrolled at their home university where they pay…
●One-year exchange program starting April 2025●Application deadline expected at the end of September 2024●Official Websites of the Program: https://www.ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp/international/international-students/ http://www.souka-international-tokushima-u.net/app/?page_id=49 http://www.souka-international-tokushima-u.net/app/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2023-HP-Application-Procedure-to-university-of-Tokushim-1.pdf [NOTE!]●At the time of applying for study abroad, applicant needs either 1) a JLPT N3 or higher passing certificate, or 2) a certificate proving completion of Japanese language study equivalent to N3…