On June 5th, students of the Japanese Studies Course were interviewed by Japan’s TBS television network. The program name is “Earth Interviewing Around the World: Comparing Cultures Globally” (地球まるごとインタビュー 世界くらべてみたら). https://www.tbs.co.jp/sekakura/archive/20240515.html#eu
What kinds of interviews did our students receive, and what kinds of answers did they give…? Those of you in Japan, please be sure to check out the upcoming program!
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6月5日、日本学コースの学生が、日本のテレビ局TBSの取材を受けました。番組名は「地球まるごとインタビュー 世界くらべてみたら」です。https://www.tbs.co.jp/sekakura/archive/20240515.html#eu