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Gunma University 2025 Summer Session

群馬(ぐんま)大学から、Summer Session 2025のお知らせが来ました。興味(きょうみ)がある人は、下を読んでください📖

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We are pleased to inform you that the application for Gunma University 2025 Summer Session, “Dive into Japan, Explore Gunma!” is opened now!

This program is designed for students from our partner universities to explore and deeply understand Gunma University, Gunma Prefecture, and Japan. Through lectures, group work, and field trips, participants will experience Japan’s culture and the unique characteristics of Gunma firsthand.

On the final day, participants will present their insights, comparing their experiences in Gunma with their home countries and discussing how to effectively share Gunma’s appeal with the world. This activity will also help participants develop presentation and leadership skills.

As ambassadors of Gunma University, you will play a vital role in promoting the beauty and uniqueness of Gunma globally. Let’s discover the wonders of Gunma together, create unforgettable memories, and make this summer a turning point in your academic journey. Consider Gunma University as your next study destination!

■Recruitments number: 30 students

■Tuition: Free

■How to apply: You must apply via a faculty member or staff member of your university by using the online Microsoft Forms(https://forms.office.com/r/2skEFZ7tcN).

■Application deadline: April 30 (Wed.), 2025 (JST)

■Selection process: We will select on a first-come, first-served basis. However, in some cases, it may be necessary for us to take into consideration candidates’ nationality, institutional affiliation, and gender ratio.

■Notifications of result: We will send the results to your university by May 15 (Thu.), 2025 (JST).

For more details, please click the link below;

We look forward to welcoming many of your students to our summer session.