Katedra za japanologiju

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明治大学サマープログラム / Meiji Univ. Short-term Japanese Language Program (Summer 2025)


Meiji University is pleased to announce our Short-term Japanese Language Program (Summer 2025).

It will cover not only Japanese language study, but also project work and exchange activities with Meiji University students, Japanese cultural experiences, which will satisfy your learning needs.

We deeply appreciate if you could kindly inform your students of this program. Please see the URL below for more information.

The application period is February 28th, 2025 – March 25th, 2025 (Japan Time).

Applications may be closed when the capacity is reached.

Online Test Period will be shorter for the applicants who apply just before the deadline.

If you are interested in participating, we recommend that you apply earlier.


(ENG) https://www.meiji.ac.jp/…/eng…/programs/mjlp/summer.html

(JP) https://www.meiji.ac.jp/…/programs/mjlp/jp/summer.html

【Program Period】 July 28th – August 8th, 2025

【Program Fee】 90,000JPY


Participants must make their own arrangements. If you wish to stay at a hotel recommended by the university, please apply after your participation is confirmed.

Applicants from partner universities who need VISA support are required to stay at the hotel recommended by the university.

【Program Level】

Elementary course (A2 level in CEFR scale) : JLPT N4 level

This class is for students who are JLPT N4 level or equivalent. Students in this level are able to listen and comprehend conversations encountered in daily life and generally follow their contents, provided that they are spoken slowly.

You CAN NOT apply to this class if you have no background in learning Japanese.

Intermediate course (B1 level in CEFR scale) : JLPT N3~N2 level

This class is for students who are JLPT N3~N2 level or equivalent. Students in this level are able to listen and comprehend conversations in everyday situations, spoken at near-natural speed, and state his/her own opinion.

Those with an advanced level of Japanese are NOT eligible to apply.

For further information or any questions, please feel free to contact us; E-MAIL: mjlp@meiji.ac.jp

Best regards,

International Student Office, Japanese Language Education Center, Meiji University

明治大学 日本語教育センター

Global Front 2F, 1-1 Kanda-surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8301 JAPAN Japanese Language Program: mjlp(@)meiji.ac.jp