Katedra za japanologiju

Odsjek za azijske studije

Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Application Guidelines for University Exchange Programmes (AY 2025-2026)


– 1 semester or full year 

– Spring semester only:** April – August 

– Fall semester only:** October – February 

– Full academic year:** April – February or October – August 


Tuition and application fees are exempted while students remain enrolled at their home university where they pay the tuition fees.

Student Learning Time

Exchange students are required to participate in a minimum of 10 hours per week of classes or research to maintain student visa status.

Language Requirements

Most undergraduate courses are instructed in Japanese. Therefore, students must possess sufficient Japanese-language ability. The equivalent of JLPT N2 is recommended. However, this condition does not apply if the student does not intend to carry out their education and research activities in Japanese.

Students who have JLPT N3, but not N2, will study the Japanese language intensively for approximately 5 months with the goal of being able to smoothly conduct research activities in their field of specialization after completing the course. The program begins in October and lasts 16 weeks, with classes every day from Monday to Friday. There is a placement test at the beginning of the course, a mid-term test during the course, and an assessment test at the end of the course.

Those who are considering applying, please contact Murata by August 15.